Haji to Probe Sonko Over Missing People, Land Grabbing in Kilifi

February 4, 2020

Underfire Nairobi County Governor Mike Sonko is set for more woes after Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji directed police to record a statement from him over allegation of land grabbing and missing people in Kilifi County.

This follows Haji’s meeting with locals during the opening of the Kilifi Social Justice Center in Mtwapa on Monday, February 3.

Families evicted from the disputed 230-acre piece of land in Majengo Kanamai said Sonko should be probed over the disappearances of people in the area over the land tussle.

One of the residents, Beatrice Osino, told Haji that her late husband, Moses Charo Pombe, died after spending four years hiding in the bush because the Sonko had allegedly threatened him.

“My husband is dead. He died last year in the process of following up on this land case. Because of the land case, I was left a widow with five children. His brothers were hijacked and we don’t know their whereabouts up to date. We need the government to intervene and help us,” Osino said.

“Police have always been on our necks. They have been using tear gas canisters and destroying our homes whenever they come…My husband had been under constant threat. He had been receiving calls from unknown people who threatened to kill him.”

Another victim, Cathrine Wangeci, said her husband who was also pursuing a land case was abducted by unknown people and has never been seen again.

“He was in a matatu on his way home from Shanzu Law Courts for mentioning of the ongoing land case alongside a colleague when people believed to be police reportedly forced them to alight,” she said.

Reportedly, the two were then hounded into a car that had four occupants and have since disappeared.

The DPP said he will personally look into the cases as he directed Kilifi County police boss to ensure that all individuals mentioned in the matter have recorded statements.

“I have listened to the cases and I think that I will personally follow up… I want that file with me by Wednesday. And I want statements from all those mentioned in the cases. It doesn’t matter whether they are prominent individuals or not… If the files come to me without the statements, you should be prepared to give me proper reasons,” Haji said.

“It is disturbing how the public suffers these injustices at this rate, their land being grabbed left right and center, children being raped and their rights violated from every direction. It is because of corruption that such cases are happening,” he added.

“Although we have made our own arrangements as ODPP to try and reach the public, forces of corruption have always resisted. They are even in courts and that is why we are wondering how the corrupt are being allowed to pay the bond in installments,” the DPP said.

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