Waiguru Weighing Up 2022 Deputy President Job Offers

May 23, 2019

Governor Anne Waiguru could well be part of the next Kenyan government as Deputy President.

The Kirinyaga County governor says she has received two offers to become a presidential running mate in the 2022 polls. While she did not disclose from whom the offers came, Waiguru said she is considering the proposals.

The former Devolution Cabinet Secretary said she will make an announcement at an appropriate time.

“I have at least two offers for the deputy president position, but it is not the right time to name the parties,” she said in an interview with the Nation.

The County Chief said she believes the ruling Jubilee Party will retain Kenya’s instruments of power. She also sees herself playing a crucial role in Mt Kenya politics to make this happen.

The Council of Governors vice chairperson added she will ensure Mt Kenya region gets an equitable share of government resources.

“I see my role as making sure counties that make up Mt Kenya get their rightful place in the next government. We don’t want a boardroom appointee to lead the region, but rather a person who is the choice of the people,” she said.

Waiguru also supported the push for a referendum saying the current system failed to live up to expectation.

 “The referendum should resolve the national leadership issues. We thought that the presidential system would resolve the issues of representation but this has not happened.

“That is why there is need for expansion of space at the top to make people feel represented,” she said.

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