Waiguru Accuses Political Rivals of Sabotage in Kerugoya Hospital Mess

May 15, 2019

Sabotage by senior medical officials and politicians is to blame for the health crisis being witnessed in Kirinyaga County, Anne Waiguru has intimated.

According to the underfire Kirinyaga governor, six senior health officers at Kerugoya County Referral Hospital working with her political rivals paralysed health operations at the facility. This in a bid to portray her government as incompetent, said Waiguru.

“There was sabotage and we are investigating further to know which politician is behind this fiasco. We shall wait for investigations to be completed but in the meantime, the situation is much better now at Kerugoya Hospital.”

She added, “The task-force we had set up to look into the matter has completed its work and we also had a delegation from Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) that visited the hospital and they have submitted to us their report.”

Waiguru said: “The report recommends how we can improve the status of the hospital and it also calls for disciplinary action against officers who colluded to paralyse operations at the hospital. We have handed the report to the taskforce for them to begin implementing it… We will not allow people to play politics with the lives of Kirinyaga residents.”

The former DEvolution CS further dismissed reports that the crisis at Kerugoya Hospital was occasioned by the sacking of 436 casual workers by her government.

Waiguru said a chief executive officer will be hired to oversee the smooth operations of the crucial sector to end the suffering of patients.

She was speaking after visiting Kerugoya County Referral Hospital.

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