
Three Taxi Drivers in Court for Stealing Bibles Worth Ksh.920,000

May 21, 2019
Reuben Rogoi Maina, John Mapesa and Josphat Gatheru in the dock at a Milimani Court

Three taxi drivers based in Nairobi were on Monday arraigned at a Milimani court and charged with obtaining assorted bibles.

The suspects include John Mapesa, Reuben Rogoi and Josphat Gatheru. The Court heard that on May 16 at Bible Translation and Literacy in Upper Hill, Nairobi and with intent to defraud, the three obtained from Faith Mawia Mulunnga 300 pieces of New King James bibles, 300 copies of New International version bibles, and 200 copies of Good News bibles all valued at Sh920,000.

According to their charge sheet, the three obtained the bibles after pretending that a cheque of Sh920,000 from Cooperative bank Maasai Mall branch which the three had produced and delivered to Mawia was good and valid for the payment of the same.

The three faced an alternative count of preparation to commit a felony. It was alleged that on the same date and place, they had in their possession a red Toyota Fielder registration number KCH 596 A for use in the crime.

They denied all the counts before Milimani Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi. Through their lawyer, the accused pleaded for lenient bail and bond terms.

“Your honour, my clients are taxi drivers who operate along Moi Avenue, people of very humble means. Your honour, I submit that my clients are sole breadwinners of their respective families as such we apply for very lenient bond and bail terms,” the lawyer argued.

Magistrate Francis Andayi released them on a Sh500,000 bond with an alternative of Sh200,000 cash bail. The hearing was set for July 1.

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