
Woman Who Gave Birth on Floor of Shalom Hospital Defends Arrested Nurses

April 23, 2019

In a surprising turn of events, a woman who gave birth on the floor of Shalom Community Hospital says there was no negligence by the nurses who were caught on camera taking tea as she delivered.

What’s even more astonishing, the woman is castigating the man who recorded the incident saying he wronged her.

What’s even more dumbfounding, the woman reportedly says three medics who have since been arrested should be released. Instead, action should be taken against the man perceived to have been fighting for her rights.

“Haikukua vile mliskia huko nje… Ilikua dakika ya mwisho na hakuna kuzuia sasa nlifika hivi na hakukua otherwise. Vile nilifika hivi kwa hospitali, mtoto akatoka. So hakuna mwenye alinibeba vibaya hakuna mwenye alikua amelegea. Sasa mimi nasema mwenye ameshikwa aachiliwe. Hakuna mwenye ako na makosa. 

Loosely translated: “The incident didn’t happen as reported on social media. I arrived at the hospital at the last minute while in labour. There was nothing much that could be done. Just when I arrived, the baby came out. So there was no negligence. I would like those who have been arrested to be released. None of them did wrong.”

The woman, who spoke to Citizen TV on condition of anonymity on Monday, added; “Kwanza mwenye alichukua hiyo video ndio anafaa kushtakiwa nilikua nadhani ni dakatari. Amenikosea sana…

(The one who recorded the video is the one who should face legal action. I  thought he was a doctor. He has really wronged me.)

On Monday, a team of officials from the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board and Nurses Union carried out a 7-hour investigation. They said their findings confirmed there was negligence in how the woman was treated.

“It is our findings as a team that there were issues of negligence within the institution and how the patient was treated,” said Dr. Nelly Bosire.

The arrested medics include Shalom Hospital administrator Thomas Ndolo, and two nurses —  Edna Nyarangi and John Ndege.

John Ndege, a casualty nurse, will also undergo retraining at KNH after the withdrawal of his nursing license for 3 months.

While Edna Nyarangi is not registered as a nurse by nursing council and is considered a quack.

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