
Mother’s Agony after Daughter, 11, Loses Teeth following Botched Eye Surgery

January 25, 2019

A distraught mother of two in Nakuru County is crying for justice after taking her child for a simple eye surgery, only for them to come out of the operating table with missing teeth.

Martha Wanjiku, a casual labourer in Molo, Nakuru County has known no peace since December 22, 2018, reports Citizen Digital.

Ms Wanjiku’s 11-year-old first born daughter is battling for her life at a Nairobi hospital after what Martha claims was a botched eye surgery at the PCEA Kikuyu Mission Hospital in Kiambu County.

Martha Wanjiku says her daughter, Caren, had accompanied her to the farm when she sustained an eye injury from a machete.

“Caren was with Nyambura cutting grass and a cow began moving towards them. So Caren bent to pick a stick to chase the cow away, in the process of bending the panga they were using hit her on the eye, piercing her,” narrated the mother.

They rushed the girl the Nakuru Provincial General Hospital to seek treatment but due to lack of doctors to conduct the cornea repair surgery, they were referred to the PCEA Kikuyu Mission Hospital.

The family’s nightmare began when Caren was wheeled into theater at 4.30pm on December 22, 2018.

Martha says her daughter remained under the knife for quite a long time. When she demanded to see the state of her child, she was informed by the doctor who conducted the operation that Caren needed to be taken to the intensive care unit as she had failed to wake up as expected.

Worse still, the only available bed at the facility’s ICU unit had been set aside for a more complicated case, with Martha being referred to another hospital yet again.

The mission hospital administration said the doctors involved explained everything that happened during the surgery, but Martha insists that there are many details that have been left out.

After the said surgery, Martha says her daughter developed a breathing complication and was missing teeth.

“My daughter has no teeth, they didn’t tell us why they removed them. Yet she was going into the theater for an eye surgery. Now I have a bill of Sh2 million from all these complications,” says the mother as quoted.

Martha now wants justice for her daughter against the PCEA Kikuyu Mission Hospital whose doctors insist they did everything by the book.

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