VIDEO: Aden Duale Trying to Pronounce ‘Unanimity’ Will Crack You Up

September 26, 2018

The popular Swahii saying, “Kizungu Ilikuja na Meli”, could never be truer. The Queen’s language has always been a tall order for a lot of Kenyans, especially due to our many local dialects.

Even the learned and elite among us continue to struggle from time to time, with the most recent public figure to be exposed being Aden Duale.

In a short clip shared online, Duale’s shortcomings with English were exposed as he attempted to pronounce the word ‘Unanimity’.

The light-hearted moment was captured after a State of the Nation address by President Uhuru Kenyatta in May when he asked Kenyans for forgiveness for not uniting the country during last years’ elections period.

In his speech, Uhuru said in part: “It is important to emphasize that unity does not necessarily mean unanimity.”

After the speech, Duale, the Majority Leader of the National Assembly, spoke to the press on the sidelines to discuss what he had made of Uhuru’s speech.

He tried to echo Uhuru’s quote on unity and ended up making a big mess out of it.

Check it out.

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