
What to Expect From New Digital IDs as ICT Ministry Kicks Off Registration in September

August 14, 2018

Kenyans could acquire their new digital identity cards from as early as December as the government fast-tracks the implementation of the mass bio-metric national registry under the National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS) beginning next month.

The Interior ministry’s Sh3 billion authorized project seeks to create a digital database for the entire citizenry through the collection of personal identifiable data(PID) such as eye, ear and voice patterns.

The exercise will also introduce global positioning system (GPS) coordinates to the national registry of persons to enable the satellite tracking of individuals in addition to other geographical attributes such as individual’s land reference numbers, plot/house numbers.

The registry will further replace tribe and race identifiers with an individual’s county of birth or residence.

According to ICT cabinet secretary Joe Mucheru, the ministry is targeting to ease the provision of essential government services through the exercise by leveraging on existing and emerging technologies.

“We are registering every Kenyan biometrically to ensure the government is aware of who it is serving to better the experience by fast-tracking processes and creating efficiency in operations,” Mucheru said.

Mucheru added that expects the exercise to complement existing government records by acting as one-stop shop to all personal enquiries during the provision of services to the members of public.

“By ensuring that everyone is on the digital registry, individuals will have access to crucial services no matter their geographical location countrywide- a matter which has been difficult to this moment.”

Other established government records will include those held by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) and the National Registration Bureau which is involved in conducting the national census.

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