Joho Encourages President Uhuru to Lose Friends “Because we are his New-found Friends”

August 28, 2018

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho has told President Uhuru Kenyatta not to worry about losing friends in the ongoing fight against corruption.

Speaking during a funds drive in Maralal, Samburu sub-county over the weekend, Joho said that he was among Uhuru Kenyatta’s new-found friends as he seeks to end graft in the country.

“I like how President Uhuru Kenyatta is dedicated to fighting corruption,” said Joho.

“He said he was ready to lose some friends and I encourage him to do so because we are his new-found friends.”

He added: “I am your loyal friend because I stand for justice.”

The governor also called for the hastening of the lifestyle audit process, saying what belongs to the public should be returned immediately.

“People should undergo lifestyle audit, if you own an aeroplane, how did you acquire it? period.

“There is no person who cannot account for his wealth and if the property belongs to mwananchi it should go back to mwananchi,” he said.

Meanwhile, Joho has hinted at working with Baringo Senator Gideon Moi in the 2022 succession following his courtesy call to retired President Daniel Moi at his Kabarak home in Nakuru County on Saturday. He said their agenda is to unite all Kenyans irrespective of their political affiliation and tribes.

“We had some talks with the retired president Moi on Saturday and I must tell you that it has helped in my journey to unite Kenyans because that is what he insisted that I should do and I will not let him down,” said Joho.

“I was fortunate to hear his wisdom on some national issues and thanked him for his time at the helm of this country.”

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