Kenyans Porn Habits Revealed: Pornhub’s 2016 Year in Review

January 10, 2017

The world’s biggest pornography repository, Pornhub, has released its annual ‘year in review’ statistics. They publish global trends in this industry, by analysing millions of hours spent on their sites.

On average, Pornhub received a total of 64 million visits every single day. Cumulatively, nearly 92 billion videos were watched on their sites. That’s 12.5 videos for every person on earth. When it comes to the bandwidth used, the numbers are simply mind boggling. Here’s an infographic.

Globally, the United States, as expected, accounts for the most traffic. In Africa, South Africa leads the way and is position 20 worldwide.

That probably has little to do with their love of porn, but their higher per capita, which translates to more money to spend on ‘luxuries’ like video streaming as compared to the rest of the continent.

For the second year running, the most viewed category in Kenya, just like most of Africa, is ‘Ebony’. As a matter of fact, the only countries in Africa where ebony is not the top categories are located in North Africa, with Somalia and Madagascar being the exceptions from the East.

In the US and Canada, ‘Lesbian’ seems to be very popular.

Actually, ‘Lesbian’ is quite popular globally and is the most searched for category in the Pornhub network, which is made up of Pornhub itself, Redtube, YouPorn among others.

Kenya is also not left behind in the ‘Lesbian’ craze, which says a lot about what we say publicly about homosexuality and what we do privately.

Other popular categories in Kenya include: Cartoon and Massage.

When it comes to proportion of female visitors, it appears Kenyan women have come out in full swing. Porn is generally associated with idle men, but women, especially in Kenya, are now catching up. While in most countries female visitors make up less than 20% of Pornhub traffic, in Kenya they are fast approaching the 50% mark, meaning nearly as many Kenyan women visit Pornhub as men.

Some other peculiar stats from Pornhub’s global audience is the average time spent per visit. The average worldwide visit duration is 9min 36sec. In this stat, South Africa has one of the longest duration of 10min 46sec. Kenya’s average duration is however not provided.

If you are thought that Porn was a reserve of teenagers and young adults, you’ll have to think again. The average age of visitors is 35 years.

One thing that will definitely rub the Kardashian clan the wrong way is the listing of Kim Kardashian as a pornstar. Her tape with Ray J is still one of the most searched videos, and on the list of most popular pornstars of 2016, she is listed as number 3.

There was also a spike in interest in Trump related material. Not sure there is any to be found.

Source – Pornhub Insights

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