Kameme FM Listeners Raise Sh2.1 Million To Buy New Matatu for Cord Demo’s Victim

June 15, 2016

matKameme FM listeners on Tuesday morning raised at least Sh2.1 million to go towards the purchase of a new minibus for the owner of the one burnt down by Cord supporters.
This is not the first time listeners of the Kenyatta owned station have raised huge amounts of money for a cause in such a short time.
Last year, they raised more than Sh3 million in one hour for a matatu conductor who had developed complications while donating a kidney to his aunt in India.
The final figure from yesterday’s funds drive was not out by the time of this writing, but it was reported that Jubilee MPs had donated a total of Sh1 million.
Last week, PSV operators dumped the shell of the burnt minibus outside Raila’s Capitol Hill office.

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