VIDEO: Redykyulass Re-enact Lucy Kibaki’s Nation House Raid

April 27, 2016

Mama Lucy may be gone but we’ll never forget her. She has left us with memories that will last generations.
She was not a woman you would dare cross, and that was something the media learnt the hard way.
In 2005, in the middle of one chilly night, Mama Lucy accompanied by senior security officers stormed the Nation Centre in search of the person behind a story she didn’t like.
The video of the First Lady storming a media house was beamed across the world. Most of us remember it as her reign’s defining moment.
At the same time, it was comedy at its finest and the Redykyulass crew were quick to jump in.
May she rest in peace and thanks for the memories.
Here’s Redykylass’ skit.

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