WATCH: Moment International Journalists Ignored Kenya’s Half Marathon Winner to Interview Third Placed Mo Farah (VIDEO)

March 30, 2016

kamwororOn Saturday, Kenyan athlete Geoffrey Kamworor successfully defended his World Half Marathon title in Cardiff. The defending champion won in 59:10 despite falling at the start, while compatriot Bedan Karoki finished second.
Double Olympic and World champion Mo Farah came in at third in 59 minutes 59 seconds.
A good day for Kenyans, right? Well, apparently not that good.
Some Kenyans on the interwebs have raised concern over international journalists’ treatment of the winning Kenyan athletes. In a video that has been shared on social media, it has been pointed out that the journalists blatantly ignored Geoffrey and Bedan and opted to interview Britain’s Mo Farah.
Watch the video below
Mama Junior – Journalists Ignore Kamworor | Facebook

Here are some reactions from Kenyans:
Kimani Njane “Cut them some slack…Larry Madowo would probably interview the finishing tape…”
Mwaora Char Les So what. He won that’s the bottom line and that’s what matters. Being interviewed or not does not change the outcome. No need for self pity”
Meja Wa Wangui Useless Media”
Gearoid O’Fionnalaigh Pretty normal poor standard of journalism I have experienced all the year’s I have followed sports”
Nico Osodo Mo farah has been winning that’s why he was interviewed due to the great challenge he had”
Feiruz Feiruz “Wivu”
Bryan Bryoh No wonder none of them will ever beat Kenyans, Ethiopian, Eritreans”
Hassan Ebrahim You complain of International media, why not have your own African media giant to interview your own champions. You don’t have to wait for the West to define the narrative for you. Define and play your own narrative.”
Henry Musoso Trump mentality. Forgive them Lord……We shall rule the races forever. Amen”
Fahad Farah Perhaps our kenyan athletes should be trained not only to win races,if you were a journalist who would u enjoy interviewing mo farah or someone who when asked about the race will only tough,good and i wonder less n less of our athletes arent securing endorsement when it comes to the ads space.”
Nemwel Omitt maybe they are tired of hearing the mixed up phrases n scary accents”
Fantasia Julianne I know why, language barrier”
Shelly Gathigia The media attention or lack of doesn’t lessen his achievement. The fact that we are making this a ‘thing’ is more telling of us. Kamworor still came 1st and Mo Farah Olympic champ came 3rd. Well done Kamworor ?”
Baba Hamza Gaal Now you know why you should never trust whites.The problem with is Africans is we will always kiss white man’s ass Hata kama ametutenda”
Kariuki Nyamu Mo Farah is a brand made in England. Our Kamworor is a Kenyan brand. We need to up our game on our brand, simple.
Winning a race is not enough on its own….. Just gave a look at Bolt.”

Fg Gf Guys MO Farah is already a brand.guys would want to see his interview more than kamworor.. I just came to know about him here.I already knw bout MO Farah!”

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