
Robert Alai Blames Cord for Okoa Kenya Flop, Reveals Man Behind Signature Forgeries

March 25, 2016

rob1Robert Alai returns to the blogs with another ‘shocker’.
Okoa Kenya is the only thing trending right now, and sooner or later he would add his voice. It was assumed that since he has aligned himself with ODM and is even rumoured to be eyeing a Nairobi parliamentary seat on an ODM ticket, he would join the attack on IEBC.
However, Alai directed his sword to Cord.
Writing on Facebook yesterday, he said that they can’t solely blame IEBC for the bungled Okoa Kenya signature drive, but should look in-house. He accused two people; Engineer Carey Orege and George Mboya of sabotaging the exercise.
Here’s that Facebook post.

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