
The Late Mutula Kilonzo’s Lions Rescued By KWS

May 11, 2015

mutula1The Kenya Wildlife Service have rescued three lions and two cheetahs from the deplorable conditions they were subjected to at the late Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo’s ranch. Mutula’s family now risk losing losing custody of the animals.
The deteriorating conditions in which the animals lived were brought to light by The Nairobian in April. The local daily now report that as a result of the expose, KWS have since taken possession of the animals.
“It is indeed true that we retrieved the animals from the ranch because they were not being fed well. We made a decision to remove the three lions and two cheetahs from the ranch,” said Paul Gathitu, KWS spokesperson.
“We have not received any request for transfer and as such, it is only fair that KWS moves in to help protect and manage the lives of all animals in the stable. We will soon go back to pick all other animals at the ranch until such a time that the family makes a decision on the ranch and its management.” He revealed.
-The Nairobian

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