Here’s a PHOTO of Kidero’s Magnificient Mansion

March 10, 2015

Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero’s source of immense wealth has never been clear. He has been mentioned in more than a few corruption allegations including Mumias Sugar where he was the CEO.
Though it’s not clear how much he’s really worth, genuinely or otherwise, it’s obvious that he’s not a poor person. It is said he financed his gubernatorial campaign to the tune of hundreds of millions, from his own pocket.
On Friday, he hosted one of Tanzania’s leading politicians, January Makamba at his home.
Though he did not post lots of pictures, it is clear from this one that the house is grand.
This afternoon I had the pleasure of hosting the Tanzanian Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) frontrunner Hon. January Makamba (centre) and his colleague Hon. Hezekiah Wenje at my home where we had a lively chat on a wide range of governance issues of national/cross border importance. Very insightful meeting indeed.
And two very true comments that followed.
Ngengi Waweru – After seeing that house I now accept that I live under a rock.
Esoir Samoke – No wonder Waititu need this governorship. A sub State House. Good living.

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