PHOTOS – Young Money Muthaura… Reactions After His Appointment

December 30, 2013

Okay, we’re back from a well deserved Christmas holiday. While we were away, a lot has happened in this country of ours. One of the biggest news that past week was the return of Francis Muthaura.

The former head of civil service has been appointed by the president to chair the multibillion Lamu road, rail and port project, LAPSSET. There has been a lot of opposition, with claims that Muthaura is too old for the job, and that it’s time the youth take up big jobs.

Following this development, Muthaura will have served in all four post independence governments.

As Meru MPs were complaining about his appointment, someone was giving Muthaura some youthful swag on Twitter. Here are some of the photos that were doing rounds.



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