Niwakiona haria ciana cia rutire urimo. [You can now see where the kids got their stupidity]
Niurakimeona *pointing with the car key* [You can see her * pointing with the car key]
Uyu niwe thanduraga ta mbembe.
Ni wakiona indo ciakwa. [Can you now see my stuff]
Niwakiona people ya me.
Niwakiona kiria gitumaga nyinuke tene? [This is the reason I go home early]
Uyu niwe nyina wa adu. [This is the mother of my kids]
Keki iyo wa miona atia? [How have you seen that cake]
Uyu niwe mwene indo!
Ino niyo MOMO yakwa [This is my ‘momo’]
uyu niwe njata yakwa [This is my star]
Niwakiona mathina makwa. [Can you now see the root to all my problems]
Uyo niwe ajekaga gal a bubble
Gìkì nì kìo gìtheremende kìa ngoro yakwa.
Ucio ni we uthokagia hethabu ciakwa… [This is the one who has been spoiling my mathematics]
Niwakiona [You can now see]
Mutiakiona haria handaga muti [That is where I plant the tree]
Uyu niwe utumaga juke wira dimunogu [She is the reason I always come to work tired]
Niwe wanjiguire tha. [She is the only one who felt pity on me]
Nìwakiona thirikari [Here is the government]