Zia Bett Loses Sister Weeks After Appealing for Medical Funds In a heartbreaking turn of events, Zipporah Bett has lost her sister Janet Bett Karoney. Last month, the fashion entrepreneur and wife of celebrity October 19, 2021 lifestyle·News·TL
Nyashinski’s Wife Zia Bett Seeks Help Raising Sh10M For Sister’s Treatment Zipporah Bett, a fashion entrepreneur and wife of celebrity rapper Nyashinki, has reached out to wellwishers to help her raise funds for her ailing September 16, 2021 lifestyle·TL
Meet Zia Bett, Founder of Online Fashion Shop ‘Zia Africa’ Zipporah Bett is the founder of online fashion boutique Zia Africa, founded in 2013 when she was just 20. Zia Bett spoke to PeopleDaily August 2, 2021 featured·lifestyle·TL
Nyashinski’s Wife Zia Advises New Moms Who Are Feeling Isolated Zia Bett, the wife of celebrity musician Nyashinski, gave an interview where she opened up about juggling between motherhood and work. Speaking to vlogger June 30, 2021 Entertainment·lifestyle·TL
Nyashinski’s Wife Flaunts Remarkable Transformation After Losing Baby Weight The wife of celebrity rapper Nyashinski, Zia Jepkemei Bett, has gone public about her struggle with baby weight following the birth of the couple’s March 23, 2021 lifestyle·TL