
Nairobi County Targets Ksh20 Billion in Self-Generated Revenue

September 25, 2023

The Nairobi County Government is seeking to raise Ksh20 billion from its own-source revenue through the Finance Bill 2023/2024.

On Sunday, Wilson Gakuya, the Chief Officer of Revenue Administration for Nairobi City County, outlined the primary advantages of the Finance Bill 2023/2024. The bill is scheduled for public participation from Monday, September 25th to Wednesday, September 27th, 2023, encompassing all 17 sub-counties within the city.

During a press briefing, Gakuya revealed that the budget for the Nairobi City County Government for the fiscal year 2023/2024 stands at Kshs. 42.3 billion. This budget is divided into Kshs. 28.3 billion for recurrent expenses and Kshs. 14 billion for development expenditures.

To finance this, a substantial portion of Kshs. 19.9 billion will be sourced from the County Government’s own revenue streams. Gakuya said the revenue generation strategies are detailed in the Finance Bill.

“The Finance Bill aims to improve oversight and governance of the Nairobi City County Revenue Authority, introduce new fees, adjust existing ones, reduce charges for public service vehicles, implement new business classification parameters which will enhance fairness and equity, implement the Integrated Revenue Management system known as Nairobi Pay, use the Valuation Roll 2019 to calculate land rates and provide a digital unified single business permit,” said Gakuya.

Shaban Asman, the Head of Revenue Administration, revealed that to alleviate congestion, parking fees in key business areas will be increased, and the renovations of County rental houses will be funded through higher rent charges.

“Market facilities will be improved with the rise in market charges. To prevent excessive payments, interest rates on land rates will have a cap. Unauthorized developments can be made compliant with regulations through regularization.”

The Finance Bill will undergo amendments to encompass fees and charges applicable at County Hospitals and training institutions.

Additionally, the Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Board will be mandated to submit annual reports as per the new legislation.

A more streamlined licensing process will be introduced through the Unified Business Permit.

The government is also planning to increase revenue through avenues like betting and gaming, medical waste disposal, and optimizing the utilization of public spaces.

“An environment levy on properties will also be implemented to fund improvements to sewer and drainage systems. Changes have been made to parking fees, loading/offloading charges, and vehicle licensing.” said the Chief Officer

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