MPs and Senators Accused of Hypocrisy Following Salary Pay Hike Rejection

July 5, 2024

Several lawmakers from the National Assembly and Senate have this week opposed the proposed salary increases by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), slated to commence on July 1.

However, Konoin Member of Parliament Nelson Koech has criticized his fellow lawmakers for what he deems insincerity. According to Koech, those rejecting the salary hikes are merely playing to the public gallery.

He pointed to the sentiments expressed by Senators during a special sitting on Wednesday, where discussions touched on corruption, wastage, and the restructuring of government to curb expenditure.

Koech asserted that the discourse lacked sincerity.

“Yesterday, what I saw in the Senate is the hypocrisy that stinks to the high heavens. These people are hypocrites, they are not honest. These are politicians who are competing to decline salary increment because of the moment,” he stated.

During a Thursday morning TV interview, Konoin Member of Parliament Nelson Koech, who also chairs the Defense Committee in the National Assembly, emphasized that this is a critical moment for honesty rather than political posturing among MPs and Senators.

He criticized his colleagues for what he described as hypocritical behavior, urging them to engage in genuine dialogue to address the concerns raised by Kenyans about the country’s current state.

“To MPs and Senators, I know the hype of the moment has got you. Everyone wants to speak to be seen to be on the right side, but all of you are hypocrites. Let us be very honest,” Koech asserted.

He called on the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to capitalize on the current sentiment among lawmakers who are rejecting salary increments by further reducing their perks.

“I wish SRC could use this opportunity to reduce even further the salaries of these MPs, bring it down to even Ksh. 200,000 because everyone now is declining an increment,” the MP suggested.

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