
New System Cuts Processing Time for Police Clearance Certificates

June 20, 2024

The Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has announced a system upgrade for processing the Police Clearance Certificate, also known as the Certificate of Good Conduct.

Director Mohamed Amin presided over the signing of a contract between the DCI and M/S Idemia Southern & Eastern Africa Ltd on Tuesday, June 18. This contract enables the upgrading of the Police Clearance Certificate system from the current Automated Palm and Fingerprint Identification System (APFIS) to the Multi Biometric Identification System (MBIS).

The new MBIS system will expedite the processing speed of certificates from 14 days to just 1 day.

The DCI explained that the system will efficiently clear the backlog and process applications in a day.

Furthermore, the new system supports livescans at 52 Huduma Centres nationwide, as well as at the DCI Headquarters and Police Stations, significantly reducing paperwork in acquiring a Police Clearance Certificate.

Moreover, while the old system could only store two million criminal records, the new system has a capacity of up to 10 million records.

Amin expressed confidence that the new system will resolve concerns regarding delayed processing of Police Clearance Certificates.

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