ICT CS Owalo in Geneva for ITU 2023 Council talks

July 10, 2023

ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo arrived in Geneva, Switzerland on Sunday afternoon to represent Kenya at the 2023 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Council meeting.

ITU is a specialized agency of the United Nations that was established to coordinate global operation of telecommunications networks and services. It is also meant to advance the development of world communications technology, as an impartial, international organization.

Within ITU, Governments and the private sector are expected to work together for individual national good and collective global benefit.

Key areas of concern include global agreements on the functioning and regulation of the radio communications sector (ITU-R), also known as (BR); standardization of the telecommunications sector (ITU-T), also known as (TSB); and regulation of telecommunications development sector (ITU-D), also known as (BDT).

Kenya is one of the elected 40 ITU council member states in the 193-members states parties entity; not to mention membership by private companies, academia, and international and regional organizations.

On Monday, Owalo will attend a closed-door meeting with fellow global ministers in charge of ICT.

He will also be in the company of ITU Secretary-General,  Doreen Bogdan-Martin and other council members.

On Tuesday, July 11, the Cabinet Secretary will issue a high-level panel statement on behalf of the Kenya Government. The statement will be on meaningful universal digital connectivity and access.

CS Owalo is also scheduled to meet specific country delegations that are of special interest to Kenya and explore with them spaces and possibilities for symbiotic cooperation.

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