President Ruto talks about his sudden weight loss

May 15, 2023

President William Ruto allayed any fears regarding his conspicuous weight loss following concerns from a section of Kenyans.

The President has lost a significant amount of weight since he assumed office, with some Kenyans expressing fears that he might be battling a chronic condition.

But speaking during a joint media interview at State House Nairobi on Sunday, President Ruto attributed his sudden weight changes to pressure from the electioneering period.

President Ruto explained that he added some weight as he had irregular eating schedules and that he sometimes overate.

“I had an original fit that ran amok the last one and a half to two years. We went into elections and you know when you have elections there is a lot of pressure, sometimes you take out the pressure on food,” Ruto said.

“You have to do this and that and you don’t have time to go and exercise and sometimes you eat. Because you don’t know when you will get the next meal, sometimes you overeat.”

Ruto added that he made a conscious choice to lose weight after assuming office.

“I decided to cut it down because my friend ile kibarua niko nayo si kidogo (I have a lot of work ahead). So you need to be alert for things to happen as planned.”

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