Things To Know About Actress Vicky Muthiora

March 20, 2023

Vicky Muthiora is a commercial model, YouTuber, and seasoned actress best known for her roles in local productions such as ‘Papa Shirandula’, ‘Tahidi High’, and others.

She shares her humble background and acting journey as well as her future plans.

Tell us about yourself.

Vicky Muthiora or Vicky as most guys know me is a bubbly, happy, aggressive, go-getter, straightforward and loyal. I’m also an extrovert and I like everything in order. I am loving and caring and most especially, I love God.

How was your childhood and upbringing?

I was raised by my grandmother in Huruma. She raised me in a Godly way by introducing me to church at a young age. She was the toughest and principled yet loving and caring and I am who I am today because of her.

What were your fun activities growing up?

I loved drama and music festivals but most especially being in church. I was the soloist/vocalist and with these roles, a lot of me was needed in church.

When and why did you decide to become an actor?

I started acting in 2007 professionally, although when I was young, I participated in school and church drama festivals. Acting was inbuilt from when I was a kid.

How did you get started?

I bumped into Dan Ndambuki (Churchill) at Alliance Francais who I knew back in the day from Eastlands. I told him I needed a job, and he led me to a rehearsal for the former Heartstrings Kenya and from there on, I became an actress.

What roles do you play?

I am often cast for wifely and motherly roles and as a powerful woman in society.

What does it take to become an actress?

Passion supported by consistency, networking, aggressiveness, kujituma and never giving up.

Which local productions have you featured in?

Tahidi High, Papa Shirandula, Ithaga Riene, Beba Beba, Gavana, Jungu juu, Vioja Mahakamani, and I’m also a commercial model in various adverts like: Bolt, Okoa stima, Numi noodles, Safaricom, Pride, Faulu Kenya.

What are some memorable experiences on set?

Rehearsals for the shows and travelling are some of my best moments.

How was your first day on set?

I would say I was really nervous but I believed in myself to take up the task and I was surrounded by a very supportive team that made me comfortable from day one.

What can you say makes you different from other actors?

I would say we are all blessed with different talents and capabilities. So we can never compare talents as our strengths are different but I’d say my physique has given me some advantage.

Do you make a living out of acting?

Absolutely yes. Initially, it might not pay well but as you keep networking and building your brand as an actor, it pays.

Are you married, do you have kids?

No comment on my marital status but I’m very happy with my partner. I’m overly blessed and yes I have two beautiful daughters.

What does your family say about your choice of career?

They are extremely proud of me. They respect me and they know I can move mountains to make sure they are okay. For sure I am loved and blessed.

Who is your role model?

Connie Ferguson. The best actress in South Africa.

Is it true there is a lot of sexual harassment in the industry?

I have heard of a few cases but I would say immorality is high. It takes you as an individual to make a decision on whether to fall into immoral behaviours or set principles and be disciplined.

Advice for people who want to follow in your footsteps?

Follow your dreams regardless of how hard they look. Be persistent and consistent in achieving them and always trust God.

Do you think the government is doing enough to support the entertainment industry?

Absolutely not. Entertainment has been forgotten and those in it are paid peanuts, we have so many talented people suffering. Most of them are famous and broke.

You are a common face in the public. Has that changed who you are in any way?

I have never allowed fame to get into my head, I prefer being me throughout although at some point one or two things might change.

Courtesy: The Nairobian

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