Blockchain Data Is the Next Big Thing in Web3

November 7, 2022

Enterprise-integrated blockchain will disintermediate most of the multiple participants, leading to considerable time, cost and risk savings.

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In addition, a blockchain-based supply chain will elevate security and transparency — and restore consumer trust.

Immediate Business Value

Blockchain can provide a decentralized, permissionless mechanism for recording, managing, and executing digitized contracts between two or more enterprises, especially where multiple parties are involved in the transaction.

For example, the platform can serve as an electronic bill of lading, document control, track and trace, and product quality proposal.

 Blockchain can help companies improve or replace numerous operational processes, connecting the entire spectrum of involved parties.

Furthermore, enterprises can leverage blockchain to enable internal departments to interact on a single platform, enabling data transparency within the organization.

It can significantly aid large companies with fragmented distributed departments and organizations that have used different internal systems for years.

As a result, it can help enterprises cut costs, reach competitive advantage and drive growth.

Current Challenges

Disintermediation – A blockchain-based supply chain in the web3 can create a gateway into the supply chain ecosystem for a company, giving its customer a trustworthy, decentralized solution.

However, adopting this solution requires multiple enterprises to work together and disintermediate the traditional supply chain. 

Data Security and Integrity Challenges – Large companies that use multiple supply chain relationships have to outsource the management of various digital data and transfer data to new applications, causing significant loss in data integrity and security.

 This problem is made worse when separate departments of a given enterprise use different systems or applications, creating an opportunity for unauthorized access or data loss.

Data loss can have significant financial and reputation risks for a company.

By implementing a local, decentralized system, enterprises can cut costs and improve efficiency by eliminating internal go-betweens, salespeople and contractors.

How is blockchain data the next big thing in Web3?

Blockchain could enable enterprises to provide more secure, complete, and accurate data. This data can then be shared among companies, reducing costs and saving time.

However, the generalization of the specific example below applies when the entire chain has to be consistent and transparent for all participants. 

Based on this example, applications that can enhance the interaction process between regulators and flows, or integrate disparate data quality systems networks, are pretty influential on the web3.

Furthermore, blockchain’s decentralized aspect, digital referencing, and consensus-enabled technologies can help enterprises implement their process flow and communication objectives more effectively. 

Data sharing: 

For large enterprises, data standardization represents a significant challenge. With the adoption of blockchain technology, companies can now share and transfer their supply chain data in a decentralized manner.

In addition to reducing costs through disintermediation, this will also lead to enhanced data quality and security across the integrated internet ecosystem. Separation of roles:

Blockchain enables companies to separate roles within the business trades. For example, in an internet business ecosystem, data often get separated in a decentralized network across different subjects, departments and regions. 

For example, one company may handle manufacturing, another company may manage logistics or marketing, and another will be responsible for money transfers.

By implementing blockchain technology and building an integrated blockchain-based application, large enterprises can cut costs by eliminating internal intermediaries, salespeople and contractors.

Importance of blockchain in the web3:

As the internet has evolved, new disruptors and intermediaries have been spawned. For example, online marketplaces like Alibaba, Amazon and eBay have created complex supply chain relationships.

However, these marketplaces are centralized, leading to data security concerns, lack of transparency and high-cost transaction fees.

In the past two decades, eCommerce development has dramatically changed how people purchase goods and services worldwide. As a result, a vast amount of structured and unstructured data is involved in e-commerce transactions.

This data is often stored in PDF files and spreadsheets, containing input inputs from various source systems (ERP, CRM etc.) and output from various reporting systems (BI, MRP etc.).

Companies then developed application programming interfaces (APIs) to integrate these complex systems into a single data platform.

While this helped create a decentralized trading environment, it also brought significant challenges due to fragmentation and complicated data ownership.

Furthermore, third-party software vendors and operators must provide transaction support services, causing significant cost overheads. Blockchain technology will potentially help large enterprises reduce costs related to third-party integration solutions.

Blockchain can help companies improve or replace numerous operational processes between different parties involved in the transaction. Data sharing, transparency and verification are critical to the success of this implementation.

In summary, companies can adopt multiple solutions to integrate blockchain with their business practices.

Enterprise users must ensure that these solutions comply with industry regulations and that all parties can access and use the data as required.

Commercial banks can adopt blockchain technology to access this distributed ledger of account balances within a given trading community to provide services, such as transferring funds between accounts (such as remittances).

In such a blockchain, commercial banks are network members and process transactions on behalf of clients. However, they do not own any part of the blockchain or have access to its content.

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