
‘Dead’ Protester Found Alive in Kibera.. Denies Rioting But Fails To Explain Stone in His Back Pocket

May 18, 2016

bonifaceThe man who was reported as dead by various media outlets and social media users is alive and kicking.
On Tuesday, social media was awash with reports of ‘Ngatia’s’ brutal ‘death’ in the hands of anti-riot police. On twitter, the hashtag #JusticeForNgatia was a top trending topic.
The man has been found at his home and his name is not Ngatia. He is Boniface Manono/Mosoti, a resident of Kibra.
On Monday during the Cord demonstrations, Boniface was caught on camera getting roughed up by police.
He told reporters that he was not rioting, but was in town for an interview with Uber. He however did not explain the stone in his back pocket.
Here he is going for the interview at Uber.
Various bloggers and media houses that had ‘killed’ him quickly deleted their tweets and news stories.
According to reports, Suna East member of Parliament Junet Mohammed took him to hospital for medical check up.
Here he is nursing his injuries:

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