Dominos Boss Caught Insulting and Intimidating Employees – RAW VIDEO

February 26, 2016

An employee working at Dominos Pizza who has had enough of his abusive boss, planted a secret camera during one the staff meetings they occasionally hold, recording all the nasty words and demeaning harassment the owner of the eatery serves them with. The employee who sought to remain anonymous, explained that his boss is far much worse than DP’s pilot who got in trouble this week for assaulting a police officer.
The pissed off worker adds that his Caucasian boss has no sense of humaneness and lacks etiquette when handling his subordinate staff. True to his explanation, the Dominos Pizza boss can be heard intimidating and belittling the staff while dropping all sorts of unprintable words in the clip.
Well, what might have made this White boss disrespect his fellow workmates like this is what I am yet to understand. Here’s the footage.

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