‘LEAKED’ Whatsapp Conversation That Has Got CORD Excited

January 8, 2016

cordThere’s a thread of Whatsapp messages circulating on Facebook and Twitter, even shared by notable opposition figures.
On first glance, it looks like a leaked conversation from a private group consisting of State House communication team and some members of parliament.
Less than 2 years to the elections, a lot of propaganda will be spewed, and unfortunately, many Kenyans will fall for it.
In this latest ‘leaked’ Whatsapp thread, Dennis Itumbi and Manoah Esipisu talk of how they are losing the social media war to the opposition, and how their jobs are on the line if they don’t do anything about it.
It is also implied that State House has got two media houses – Nation and Citizen, in their pockets, but Standard seems to be uncooperative. There is also talk of the rumoured ’36 bloggers’, Eurobond, Duale and Farah Maalim.
The thread is an obvious fake, and any 10 year old will tell you that.
Whoever came up with it should have made it more realistic by not assuming Itumbi and company will spend all their Whatsapp hours singing the praises of CORD bloggers.
Moving forward, we can expect to see a lot of these ‘leaked’ threads, considering the ever increasing number of applications that fake Whatsapp and Facebook conversations and even Tweets.

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