VIDEO – Andrew Kabogo and His ‘Money Team’ Pop the Champagne and Flaunt Lots of Cash After Mayweather Win

May 5, 2015

kabKiambu governor William Kabogo’s eldest son Andrew Kabogo was unsurprisingly having a very good time this past weekend.
In a video that was posted on social media, Andrew is seen flaunting a big bundle of cash addressing the ‘money team’.
From what has been reported and from what we can make out from the video, the guy had just won a huge Mayweather bet.
His friends are also in the party mood, and you can tell by the way the hold those cash bundles, they are used to big money.
Initially we thought Alvin Kabogo was the more fun loving sibling, but Andrew has been making more news lately, and if his friends continue filming him during his champagne popping moments, he’ll certainly be a regular in these columns.
Watch the videos below.

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