Anglo-leasing Scumbags are The Real Terrorists, They Stole Money Meant to Modernise the Police Force

April 7, 2015

scumDeepak Kamani – Anglo-leasing suspect

If you’re one of those who wonder how terrorism and corruption are related, here’s your answer.
Retired President Mwai Kibaki may have brought a lot of development in the country, but he is the sole reason we’re where we are today in terms of terrorism. Disregarding the fact that he is the one who sent our soldiers to Somalia, Kibaki let corruption thrive.
It was partly during his tenure that we had the anglo-leasing scandal.
Some well connected scumbags ate money that was meant to among others modernise Kenya’s police force. It goes without saying that our intelligence gathering would be miles ahead if things went as they were supposed.
Last month, 10 Anglo-Leasing suspects were charged at a Nairobi court.

gloVia Nation

Among them were
Kisii County Senator Chris Obure
Former postmaster-general Francis Chahonyo
Former permanent secretaries Dave Mwangi and Sammy Kyungu.
Former financial secretary Samuel Bundotich,
Former State officials Joseph Magari and David Onyonka, 
Chamanlal Kamani,
Deepak Kamani
Rashmi Kamani
They all denied the charges and were released on a Sh1 million cash bail.
The judge further issued an international arrest warrant for two foreign Anglo Leasing suspects, Brian Mills and Bradley Birkenfeld.

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