Meet Nairobi’s Dumbest Robbers

February 12, 2015

dumb thievesThis story was in the media last week but you may have missed it.
It is a story of the dumbest robbers in Nairobi.
On December 16th, Brian Otiende Ayanga and Johnson Muisyo Mbingu attacked Jane Ndung’u – an NGO worker outside ABC Place on Waiyaki Way.
They blocked her way using a Toyota Noah, moments after she had withdrawn Sh30 million in US dollars. According to Jane, two of them blocked her while others broke into her car.
Jane reported the matter to the Muthangari police station, stating that the money was payroll for staff of Mechem – an NGO based in South Africa, with staff in South Sudan and Somalia.
It was a perfectly executed crime… except the fact that they would later get caught.
Given Sh30 million, most people would buy some land, or house or enter into business, but Brian Otiende and Johnson Muisyo are not most people.
Here’s an account of how they blew the money.

  • Booked flights to coast over Christmas with their girlfriends.
  • Rented a 4-bedroom mansion at Nyali at the cost of Sh20,000 a night.
  • Booked rooms in a five-star hotel in Naivasha at a similar cost to usher in the new year in style.
  • Rented 2 four bedroom houses in Buru buru phase five and one.
  • Furnished their new houses expensively.
  • Bought 60 inch TV screens for their new cribs.
  • Bought 2 Mercedes Benz 320e series; one for each of them.

Well, their biggest mistake was however getting caught. Their cases are ongoing.
You think Brian and Johnson are dumb…? Turns out they’re in perfectly good company. Watch the video below.

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