More Questions as Police Fail To Arrest Paul Kobia Even After He Allegedly Confessed To Fidel’s Murder

January 9, 2015

Fidel Odinga’s assassination moved from having no suspect to one prime suspect in a period of a few hours. An intoxicated Paul Kobia is reported to have confessed/bragged to patrons at a Nairobi club how he killed the first born son of the former Prime Minister.
Reports of his arrest and subsequent release swept through the blogs on Thursday morning. The police would then release this statement saying that he was ‘not arrested as such’.
There’s some form of agreement among Kenyans on social media that Kobia knows more than he would want us to think. Some time last year, he was in the media claiming that Fidel and his bodyguards had roughed him up. He had a torn shirt as proof.
That incident happened soon after a video of Kobia promising unspecified action to Raila surfaced online.

Kobia is the self proclaimed ‘Commander’ of Uhuru Big Boys Unit (UBBU), a ‘ground force that pledges to protect the president in unclear ways.
Before Jubilee came into power, he was not a common name. He however had his time in the media after being linked to the smuggling of gold worth millions of shillings from DRC, prompting President Kabila to make an unannounced trip to Kenya.
KTN had also linked him and other people to the killing of a KRA official.
His prominence has however risen during the Uhuru Presidency, mostly due to his closeness to Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko.
He moves around in a police escorted convoy and strikes an impression of a man you don’t wanna cross.

Kobia is a licenced gun holder but it remains unclear whether the police confiscated it following their assessment of his mental health. We’ll further wait and see what happens next.

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