Kenyans Reactions To The Huge Samsung Ring Billboard on Top of KICC

November 6, 2013

There’s a new billboard in town. This time at the unlikeliest of places… on top of KICC.
Hundreds of electronic screens have been used to create a ring around Kenya’s most iconic building, in what will surely bring in lots of revenue for it. 

Currently, Samsung has taken the spot, and it’s not clear whether the deal is long term and exclusive or we’ll be seeing more adverts as we proceed.

To get a sense of just how much Samsung is paying, a normal billboard in a busy Nairobi street goes for about Sh500,000 a month.

KICC can be viewed from so many kilometres away, and from virtually every corner of the CBD. This means the eyeballs cannot be compared to anything else. 

KICC at night

There have been mixed reactions to this unprecedented mode of advertising. A good number of people think we’re auctioning our national heritage, while others see no big deal in it.

Here are some of the reactions.

How do you brand an iconic building,KICC,the centre piece of our city,with a foreign brand? Atleast put Kenya at 50 Ad!
— BONIFACE MWANGI (@bonifacemwangi) November 4, 2013 

Everytime I see Samsung on top of KiCC I feel so violated!!!!!!! Disturbed! – @Niakabelle 

They spoilt KICC with tv Screens. Someome wanted money. You just dont put technology on old beautiful architecture like that –  ‏@_Koinange_ 

Of The huge samsung banner on kicc – hope they effn relocated their global hq to there to be accorded such – @LexSam_ 

#KICC you are too prominent a Nairobi landmark to be a billboard, shed off the Samsung ad. #fail – @PeteWaweru 

whoever came up with that idea on Kicc is jst way creative – @gastonwabomba 

how much did samsung pay kicc?? must be mad millions –  ‏@saysEUGENE 

Do you know KICC its a Commercial Monument? Samsung a foreign company has taken over KICC. Just wait and see Kenya at OLX  – @Stevechegejr 

KICC – proudly brought to you by Samsung. –  @marcusolang 

KICC looks beautiful – @YuniaKhoi 

Samsung is ruining Kicc. Mama Ngina should intervene. – @ngwata_francis 

KICC is an eyesore with that Samsung ad. Durex should try getting in on some of that action – @roomthinker 

Its incredible how you can see that add on kicc from Thika road at the Muthaiga Junction – @BensonMutahiG 

that samsung advert at the top of kicc is jus one unique advert… – @sezerarantes 

The ad screen at the top of KICC is amazing!!! – @weirdKenyan 

Seriously @KICC_kenya why this? Are there no limits to what you will sell? @SamsungMobileKE why deface KICC? – @mentalacrobatic  

Why are we criticizing KICC over deal with Samsung yet we talk about public private partnerships to improve efficiency. – @MikeObare 

If any billboard is to be put up on KICC, it should be the Sheila one! – @wakariowa 

That ad on KICC should be removed, it looks hideous – @Kihara_John

Perhaps Samsung got some inspiration from South Africa’s Vodacom Towers.

Photos Courtesy

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