Dennis Itumbi Denies Knowing The Whereabouts of Jackal News Blogger Bogonko Bosire

October 29, 2013

Controversial blogger, Bogonko Bosire, he of Jackal news, has been missing for quite some time now. Director Digital, New Media & Diaspora in the office of the president Dennis Itumbi, who is also a good friend to Bogonko, has been leading efforts to find him.
Last week however, Jeff Koinange stated on his show that Bogonko was not missing and that Itumbi should be aware of his location. This was in reply to his guest Boniface Mwangi.

Itumbi has now come to deny those claims, writing down a chronology of what him and a group of friends have done so far.
This was his post yesterday.


Let me put it this way – I have personally done all that a friend can do on this matter. It is not true that I know where he is, I wish i had that answer, it would complete a puzzle that baffles me. 

Bogonko was a schoolmate who was a class ahead of me in college. To date I love what he had written on his door, “The Dwellers of the city, do not understand thefeelings of the village hunter”

Bogonko, as far as i Know, is still missing and I hope different initiatives by colleague journalists, bloggers, former classmates will find him.

Here a chronology of what a group of friends have done so far:

1. Bogonko travelled to Kirinyaga County – Mwea where he went to see a girl who was his fan (I withhold the name – because the point is not who he went to see and she fairly deserves her privacy) it was a great weekend and he called everyone he could to tell them where he was, very excited that someone outside nairobi had invited him – happy about the whole environment -The girl was excited about a visit by a celebrity – she took photos in the house as he gulped his favourite Guiness in a local and even when he left for Nairobi on Monday -Photos which we got

2. On Tuesday Bogonko had a quiet day – he sent me a text looking for a story I pointed him to an exclusive document on a certain website – He later dismissed it as a very technical document and said he would study it first,Instead he told me he wanted my interview on what I was planning to do with my office and I told him that it was too early. He then said he was planning to do something on KIMC and its quest to be a University, I wished him the best.

3. On Wed he had an active day, churning articles and in the evening he clubbed out, he had a good time at Giggles and eventually at Porters house – Nothing out of the norm from those he met

4. On Thursday – he clubbed again taking his favourite guiness at Giggles and sending too many texts and Whattsup messages – all of them complaining about something (I withhold since the info can aid investigations) he told everyone in his characteristic language, “Chairman iko shida Manyatta” He also said to a common friend that a High Court Judge (Name Withheld) also called him to advice him on the matter. The other notable thing is that he spoke to a certain girl who wanted a story about a recently elected MP published and to her he said he would dissapear and would never be found

5. The last text conversation according to the Mobile Carrier he subscribed to was with a certain number which together with a team of journalists we established belongs to his sister – he basically asked “Uko sawa?” the sister replied its Okay. We also established he withdrew 4,000 bob at a place next to Porter House

6. A brother in law then met him on Friday evening but they did not chat since he was in a hurry to go to class – he looked fine

7. Westgate happened and no update from Bogonko – his phone was off – a few of us were concerned that was not Bogonko. Anyway we all thought he was taking a break

8 Monday came and no update from Bosire or a story on Jackal – Okay something was officially wrong

9. A cousin he hosts in his house in South B told us he had not been home since Thursday morning the previous week

10. We made official report to police – we were told to wait for 14 days but they recorded our complain – meanwhile we contributed and transported family to Nairobi as friends and journalists

11. Family reported to Industrial area police station

12. Journalists and Editors agreed to write a story to ensure the search was official and got the attention it deserved

13. Safaricom confirmed the phone was last used along Kimathi Avenue on Thursday

14. We got reports that he was last spotted at Limuru Sigona Golf Club, “with three guys he looked very comfortable with on Saturday. Bogonko was crudely dressed and drunk” – we could not verify, we sent someone to check guest register and cctv and the report was negative

15.We got reports that two bodies had been lying at Naivasha Mortuary for a week that matched the description given to police. Again we contributed and got two groups there, Journalists in Naivasha and his elder brother – again negative.

16. We called all Major Hospitals in Kenya and asked for any patients matching his profile – again negative,

17. The latest info we have is that the number he had chosen as his alternative in the event his main phone was out of reach or lost got a message saying ” phone used in Muranga” – that is what we are verifying at the moment the person who gave the info is currently off reach because the person he gave the info lost his phone and thus the contact

18. I find no need to react to the statement by Jeff Koinange, whereas I know it is not true, I think by saying that he brought back the debate of Bogonko on National limelight and if it means i bear a false accusation for the Bogonko issue to get National attention I am willing to do so

19. Anything I can do for Bogonko am willing to do, Thanks to all bloggers, former schoolmates and journalists who have decided to unite and look for Bogonko, I will be part of such initiatives
Bogonko, as far as i Know, is still missing and I hope different initiatives by colleague journalists, bloggers, former classmates will find him.
Here a chronology of what a group of friends have done so far: 

1. Bogonko travelled to Kirinyaga County – Mwea where he went to see a girl who was his fan (I withhold the name – because the point is not who he went to see and she fairly deserves her privacy) it was a great weekend and he called everyone he could to tell them where he was, very excited that someone outside nairobi had invited him – happy about the whole environment -The girl was excited about a visit by a celebrity – she took photos in the house as he gulped his favourite Guiness in a local and even when he left for Nairobi on Monday -Photos which we got 

2. On Tuesday Bogonko had a quiet day – he sent me a text looking for a story I pointed him to an exclusive document on a certain website – He later dismissed it as a very technical document and said he would study it first,Instead he told me he wanted my interview on what I was planning to do with my office and I told him that it was too early. He then said he was planning to do something on KIMC and its quest to be a University, I wished him the best. 

3. On Wed he had an active day, churning articles and in the evening he clubbed out, he had a good time at Giggles and eventually at Porters house – Nothing out of the norm from those he met 

4. On Thursday – he clubbed again taking his favourite guiness at Giggles and sending too many texts and Whattsup messages – all of them complaining about something (I withhold since the info can aid investigations) he told everyone in his characteristic language, “Chairman iko shida Manyatta” He also said to a common friend that a High Court Judge (Name Withheld) also called him to advice him on the matter. The other notable thing is that he spoke to a certain girl who wanted a story about a recently elected MP published and to her he said he would dissapear and would never be found 

5. The last text conversation according to the Mobile Carrier he subscribed to was with a certain number which together with a team of journalists we established belongs to his sister – he basically asked “Uko sawa?” the sister replied its Okay. We also established he withdrew 4,000 bob at a place next to Porter House 

6. A brother in law then met him on Friday evening but they did not chat since he was in a hurry to go to class – he looked fine 

7. Westgate happened and no update from Bogonko – his phone was off – a few of us were concerned that was not Bogonko. Anyway we all thought he was taking a break 

8 Monday came and no update from Bosire or a story on Jackal – Okay something was officially wrong 

9. A cousin he hosts in his house in South B told us he had not been home since Thursday morning the previous week 

10. We made official report to police – we were told to wait for 14 days but they recorded our complain – meanwhile we contributed and transported family to Nairobi as friends and journalists 

11. Family reported to Industrial area police station 

12. Journalists and Editors agreed to write a story to ensure the search was official and got the attention it deserved 

13. Safaricom confirmed the phone was last used along Kimathi Avenue on Thursday 

14. We got reports that he was last spotted at Limuru Sigona Golf Club, “with three guys he looked very comfortable with on Saturday. Bogonko was crudely dressed and drunk” – we could not verify, we sent someone to check guest register and cctv and the report was negative 

15.We got reports that two bodies had been lying at Naivasha Mortuary for a week that matched the description given to police. Again we contributed and got two groups there, Journalists in Naivasha and his elder brother – again negative. 

16. We called all Major Hospitals in Kenya and asked for any patients matching his profile – again negative, 

17. The latest info we have is that the number he had chosen as his alternative in the event his main phone was out of reach or lost got a message saying ” phone used in Muranga” – that is what we are verifying at the moment the person who gave the info is currently off reach because the person he gave the info lost his phone and thus the contact 

18. I find no need to react to the statement by Jeff Koinange, whereas I know it is not true, I think by saying that he brought back the debate of Bogonko on National limelight and if it means i bear a false accusation for the Bogonko issue to get National attention I am willing to do so 

19. Anything I can do for Bogonko am willing to do, Thanks to all bloggers, former schoolmates and journalists who have decided to unite and look for Bogonko, I will be part of such initiatives

Aside from his public statements on the matter, our queries to the State House insider have gone unreplied.

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