Dear Your Excellency, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

May 3, 2013
To Uhuru Kenyatta
President,Republic of Kenya
P.O.Box 23489472-00100

Dear Your Excellency


How are you, Sir, since we communicated last? How is Margaret and the kids. I have been ok myself moving up and down.Sir, there is a favour I want you to do for me. By the way my fears that you could become the best president Kenya ever had are coming true.

My problem is with the MPIGS who want to increase their salaries despite the country being in dire straights financially. They also want to disband the SRC.Sir,I believe the law says that you have to consent to all the bills which emanate from parliament. The only favour I ask of you, sir, is not to accept this greed from these hyenas. Do not consent to any bills increasing salaries of MPIGS.They will try to blackmail you but stand your ground. No salary should be paid until they accept what was recommended by SRC. We know the their so called expensive life style of keeping the mistresses is expensive but we as Kenyans do not want to pay for upkeep of their mistresses. If they feel the money is little, tell them to resign and look for better paying jobs. They also said 5million can only buy a Probox which does not befit they status, kwani their status has suddenly changed? Some of these vultures were riding on bobabodas just the other day.

Sir,I and other Kenyans will be with you on this, we will walk to work if that is what it requires to squeeze some sense into the thick heads of these idiots!!.I know you mean well for all of us Kenyans but there will be some greedy people around you.Do not let them mislead you.

Yours faithfuly
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