Peter Kenneth Tells Off Mutahi Ngunyi, For Telling Him He’ll Lose

December 23, 2012
Mutahi Ngunyi

Our favourite political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi was on Thursday the subject of attack, from presidential candidate Peter Kenneth and his twitter followers. The analysts, known for stating as he sees it, wrote a tweet, mocking Peter Kenneth’s candidature and it turned out the Gatanga legislator has his eyes and ears open, and he did not take it lying down. 

Mutahi wrote, Is Peter Kenneth still in town or has he gone to run for presidency in Congo? He WILL NOT WIN. Karua, Kiyapi will FAIL. End of discussion! “

Minutes later, Kenneth replied, @MutahiNgunyi Your personal analysis has NEVER been right and there are doomed to fail, it’s a pity, we still have retrogressive mentality

We have waited for Mutahi to tweet something, but the analyst also known for his annoyingly irregular tweeting habits, has taken a back seat. He‘s yet to reply. 

However, looking at the gentlemen tweets, they both had a point. Mutahi Ngunyi pointed out what everyone knows; Peter Kenneth, Karua and Kiyiapi will not win. As has been stated, the elections will be a two horse race, and the horses are already known. So, Mutahi was right. 
On the other hand, Peter Kenneth told the political analyst that his predictions are never right. Partly, he was right. Until very recently, Mutahi Ngunyi believed that a Mudavadi‘s presidency was all but assured, he had enough faith in this prediction that he told Jeff Koinange that Equity could take it as collateral. In the past few weeks, and particularly after Mudavadi was dumped by Jubilee, Ngunyi has however conceded that it is now close to impossible. So, PK also had a point.

If you want to get anything from Mutahi Ngunyi, you should learn to be patient. He can take more than one week to reply to a single tweet, so if Peter Kenneth is still expecting a counter tweet, he should not stop waiting.    

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