KNEC: Joho C+ KCSE Certificate is Fake… He Got a D-

March 27, 2017

Well, if things were not rocky enough for the Sultan of Mombasa, they now are.

Ever since he made the ‘mistake’ of differing with the President while sharing a stage with him, Joho has not seen a good night sleep.

Either he is being prevented from attending rallies, or he is under ‘office arrest’, or he is having his bank accounts frozen.

The latest in these deeds directed at the Mombasa Governor is a letter that leaked yesterday, claiming that the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has found that Joho’s supposed KCSE certificate is a forgery.

The letter dated 26th January this year, was a response to the director of criminal investigations, following a request for verification and confirmation of Joho’s examination results.

It states that Joho neither registered nor sat for 1992 KCSE examination at Serani Secondary School.

To this extent, Joho actually agrees with the content of the letter. He says he sat for KCSE in 1993 not 1992.

The letter further confirms an earlier leaked KCSE certificate that showed a person by the name Hassan Ali Joho got a mean grade of D-, and not the C+ he claimed he got in order to gain admission at the University.

This perhaps gives credence to this certificate that ‘leaked’ some time back.

It is unclear who leaked the letter and for what reasons, and what will be the ramifications.

Read it in full below:

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