Young Couple Found Dead In Suspected Suicide Pact A couple was on Sunday afternoon found dead at Kaumoni village in Machakos County, with preliminary investigations pointing at suicide. The bodies of 28-year-old July 14, 2020 News·OMG·TL
This Couple Shows You How To Spice Things Up In The Bedroom (PHOTO) Relationships are not easy, especially after the ‘honeymoon’ period where everything is fine and dandy. The flame burns out and the ‘hots’ you had April 20, 2015 Social Media·TL
Trust Me, You Do Not Want What This Couple is Smoking(PHOTO) According to what I’ve heard, being in love is a blissful thing. Finding that someone you can be yourself with and do crazy stuff March 27, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL