This Guy Has 1.2 Billion Safaricom MBs… He Doesn’t Know What To Do With Them

January 19, 2015

safaricomYou’ve seen those cheap Safaricom Bundles for sale on Facebook. I understand they’re being called ‘Bundles Mwitu’ nowadays.
Initially, sellers would buy bundles in bulk (25GB) and break them down into few MBs in the process making a tidy profit. In recent weeks however, we have seen some really cheap ones and doing the math reveals these new breed of sellers are not using the old strategy.
For instance, I just bought 1GB for Sh250.
Safaricom is calling them ‘Promotional Bundles’ and I have no idea where they are coming from. The seller just gives you a 15-digit code which you send to 440, and boom, the bundles are yours.
This screengrab I found on Facebook reveals a guy who has a little too much of them; 1,214,641,389 MBs. Unlike normal bundles, these promotional bundles are expiring after only 1 month. From what I understand, it is not possible to ‘Sambaza’ them.
Maybe he should try downloading the Internet.
But perhaps the more logical explanation is that Safaricom system made an error and presented the digits as bytes instead of Megabytes. If that’s the case, the guy only has 1.2 GB.
Wait, he was not alone.

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