Jicho Pevu’s Mohammed Ali Denies Knowing Ciku Muiruri

May 15, 2014

Ciku-598x3501The defamation case against Jicho Pevu journalist, Mohammed Ali by former radio queen Ciku Muiruri, has taken an unexpected twist. Mohammed Ali has come out to claim that he had never met Ciku, who alleges that her personality and future prospects were ruined by the reporter’s expose titled Ghururi la Saitoti, in which she was featured.
Wanjiku Muiruri moved to court to seek compensation for the clip that was aired in April last year. The clip sought to reveal the circumstances leading to the death of former National security minister George saitoti. It featured the Artur brothers: Artur Sargasyan and Artur Margaryan with whom Ciku was involved with. In the clip, Margaryan is seen lifting Ciku and placing her on a counter. In her court papers, the former radio presenter explained that she was an unnecessary person in the documentary.
Mr Ali has, however, stated that he did not have prior knowledge of the woman when she was captured in the company of the Arturs.
“I didn’t know who the woman was, as I had never met or seen her. I later learnt, through social media, that the lady in question was Ms Muiruri and that she aired a radio show, Busted, on a local station,” he said.
Ciku on the other hand insists that Ali featured her in the investigative piece because she had declined to give him a lady’s number by the name Winnie.
Additional Reporting by NairobiNews

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