“Serve Professionally!” DP Ruto’s Message To Police Officers and Civil Servants

August 21, 2020

Deputy President William Ruto called on all public servants in Kenya to serve the interests of Kenyans and not political leaders.

Echoing his earlier criticism of the arrest of three senators on Monday, Ruto on Thursday asked police officers in Kenya to serve professionally and shun political influence.

The DP said the government was elected to deliver services to Kenyans

“When we elect a government it is not because of the leaders. It is because of the people. And a government does not serve the interests of the leaders, it serves the aspirations of its people, the millions of Kenyans. That is the government that we believe in and that is the government that we elected,” Ruto said.

He added: “So, we must be focused, determined and I want to tell every public officer and every police officer in Kenya that they must serve professionally in accordance with the law and the constitution and nobody should blackmail or intimidate them to run political errands or political agenda for anybody.”

DP Ruto further castigated politicians for using civil servants to run their errands.

“Politicians must learn to do their thing and run their errands and agendas without involving other public servants that have nothing to do with politics,” he stated.

Ruto spoke during a prayer meeting with religious leaders from Kiambu at his Karen home.

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