Gloria Muliro Speaks On Willy Paul’s Switch to Secular, “I Pray For Him”

March 2, 2020

Veteran praise and worship singer Gloria Muliro prays for Willy Paul after the controversial musician switched to secular.

According to Muliro, she still loves Willy Paul as a son but she doesn’t agree with the decision he made and hopes that he will come round from his dalliance with the secular world.

“Kama mama mzazi nampenda na bado namwombea,” she said in an interview at Milele FM.

Gloria noted that she has never watched any of Willy Paul’s secular videos. “But do I love him as a person? Yes. Na Mungu anampenda? Yes!” she said.

Muliro, who collaborated with Willy Paul on the song ‘Kitanzi’, also talked about the prospect of working with the singer again. She stressed that she would have a serious talk with Willy Paul before anything happens.

“Nafikiri tutajadiliana kidogo because kama mama mlei kazi yangu ni kulea na kazi ingine ya mlezi ni kutoa makosa mahali makosa iko na kurekebisha kwa hiyo lazima tutajadiliana kidogo ama sana ndio kama wimbo ingine itafanyika lazima tutakuwa na mjadiliano,” Muliro said.

The ‘Ndio yako’ composer also spoke about the fake and luxurious lifestyles some young singers portray on social media.

“Wacha nikuambia, kila mtu ako special. Tofauti ni vile baadhi wetu wako kwa TV na kwa radio, tunaonekana. Lakini hakuna haja kujiweka mahali ambapo hauwezi kusustain.

“Ni vizuri niwaambie hao vijana, ishi tu maisha yako; kiwango chako. Of course baraka zinakuja. Mungu hutuinua viwango. Ni vizuri kuishi kile kiwango unaweza, halafu ukiaminia Mungu kukusongesha kiwango kingine,” said Gloria.

Muliro pointed out that it took her five years to reach where she currently is and urged upcoming singers to be patient and never give up.

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