Your Backlash Has Bought Me a House in Watamu – Akothee to Mutua, Critics

August 26, 2019

Earlier this year, musician Akothee faced one of the most intense backlashes in her career over a controversial performance at Papa Remo beach, Watamu.

In addition to wearing a skimpy outfit during the explosive show, Akothee got a lot of stick from the public for what was deemed as raunchy dance moves. In fact, one of her biggest critics at the time was ‘morality cop’ Ezekiel Mutua who went as far as describing Akothee’s performance as demonic.

“Akothee is talented but the filthy and stupids stunts she has to pull to remain relevant should concern all of us. What’s worse is to see grown-up men and women celebrating this scatological obscenity in the name of entertainment. We have lost it as a nation. People like Akothee cannot be the role models for our daughters. Music doesn’t have to be dirty to sell. How I wish artists like Akothee would know how much influence they have on our youths and try to use that influence to produce content that is edifying. This kind is crass, moronic and a theatre of the absurd. It’s demonic to the core and only appeals to debilitating and incorrigible perverts and brainless audiences. Akothee must stop this idiosyncrasy. There’s no dignity in for her or her audience,” read Dr. Mutua’s post on Facebook in February.

See the photos here: Akothee Catches The Attention of Ezekiel Mutua With Raunchy Dance Moves

Six months later, Akothee appears to be having the last laugh. Apparently, as a result of the backlash, the singer’s bank account has grown fatter and she is in the final stages of buying a house in Watamu.

In a post on social media, Akothee said she has also been booked to perform for Italian dignitaries.

“Stay around people who love you for you and lights your candle! Roberto invited me for a show in his Hotel in papa Remo for the Valentine’s. Which to Kenyans they thought I was a disgrace, the show trended negatively locally, and trended positively internationally, Kenyans called me a disgrace but Italians called me MADONA OF KENYA,” wrote Akothee.

“The show trended positively in Italy and that changed the position of my pocket and a breakthrough in my career, because of this show I will be performing exclusively for Italian dignitaries on the 7th September in Kilili baharini everything was already paid for, and I have an invite for another exclusive show in MONACO I am here to finalize the purchase of my new home in Watamu.”

She also took the opportunity to send a message to the KFCB boss Ezekiel Mutua and other critics.

“Someone tell Mutua he was a blessing, I thought you should know that, if you ever fought for me online it has brought blessings,” Akothee concluded.

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