Reminder: This is What Sonko Promised To Accomplish Within 100 Days

August 22, 2017

The honeymoon is over. Mike Sonko is now officially Nairobi governor after his swearing in yesterday.

For the past 5 years, all eyes have been on Evans Kidero as Nairobians watched in dismay as he failed to accomplish anything. By the time he handed the instruments of power yesterday, Nairobi was in a worse state than it was 5 years ago, and most people cannot put their fingers on a single thing Kidero did.

Sonko came in on the promise of returning Nairobi to its glory days. He promised a lot, especially in the hygiene/environment department, and we’re about to find out if it was simply hot air. Even before his inauguration, Sonko had already started a massive clean up exercise throughout the city.

Read: Great News: Sonko Embarks on Massive Operation To Clean Up Kidero’s Garbage and Filth

Now that he has real power and resources, we will see if he sustains this momentum.

What else did Sonko promise to accomplish? In his first 100 days, the new governor promised to do.

1. Use technology to control traffic.

2. Give incentives to providers of high capacity buses.

3. Provide footpaths and walkways on key corridors and the CBD.

4. Unclog drainage.

5. Improve road signage.

6. Eliminate touting fee.

Among other radical changes Sonko expects to make in his first term in office are establishing multi-storey parking across the city, removing on-the-street parking on major CBD roads, beautifying the streets, creating designated bicycle lanes etc.

Here’s the campaign poster for future reference. Use it to keep the new governor on his feet.

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