Trying To Be Funny? Mutahi Ngunyi Releases Backdated Press Statement

February 17, 2016

mutahi ngunyiNYS consultant Mutahi Ngunyi yesterday released a press statement denying claims contained in an affidavit by Josephine Kabura.
Ms Kabura has alleged that the political analyst was one of the beneficiaries of the NYS loot, and was involved in the resulting cover-up.
Mutahi said he has never met Josephine but is interested in meeting her. In a subsequent TV interview, the analyst best known for ‘Tyranny of Numbers’ hypothesis promised to sue the last coin out of Josephine, and send the dreaded auctioneer’s lorry to her doorstep.
Whether by design or accident, Mutahi’s statement was signed 16th February 2015, instead of 2016.
While an error like this is common, in this case it can be interpreted as an attempt to be ‘funny’, or not taking the allegations with the seriousness they deserve, considering the affidavit accuses him of advising Waiguru to do the exact same thing – backdate a letter.

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