Starehe Boys’ Principal Sent Packing After Poor Results

March 13, 2014

stareheThere is no room for failure in Starehe High School. Apparently, after their poor performance in last year’s KCSE exams, the school management has sent the principal on forced leave.
The director of the school, Matthew Kithyaka, broke the news at a press conference yesterday. The school dropped from position 12 in the 2012 KCSE to position 17 nationally in last year’s exam with a mean grade of 74.757, which translates to a B+. This is after many years of maintaining the top position.
In his defence, the principle blamed the teachers strike for the drop saying that it had disrupted learning for Form 3 and Form 4 students.
Deputy principal Peter Ndung’u will head the school at an interim position.
Additional reporting by Nairobi News.

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