Gor Semelang’o Holds a Sh200,000 Bash…This Was The Guest List

February 17, 2014

GOR-SEMELANGOThere are certain ‘privileges’ that come with being the Youth Enterprise Development Fund chairman. You get to afford a Ksh 200,000 birthday bash and as the current chairman Gor Semelang’o found out, you get to have the rich and the mighty grace your party.
Semeleng’o’s birthday bash went down on Monday at the K1 club house in Parklands. The youth fund chairman is said to be a frequent visitor to the club and what do you do to one of your richest customers? You make him a Birthday cake; that is exactly what the club’s management did.
Some of the high profile politicians at the party included flamboyant Kiambu governor William Kabogo and Members of Parliaments such as Ken Okoth, George Ogalo and Jacob Macharia. Music was provided by Sauti Soul, gospel singer Mbuvi and the number one hype man DNG himself.
Semelang’o was the owner of the weekly Truth newspaper before it went under. He is said to be reasonably wealthy, although some quarters disagree.

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