La Balaa To Host New Hip Hop TV Show

January 31, 2014

la balaaLa A new show is set to premiere in an undisclosed station this February. Labalaa of the Wakamba Wawili group will be hosting the show. The rapper is promising to put Kenya’s hip hop back on the charts through the show.
He spoke to VibeWeekly where he said that the show will only play local hiphop music and air local artistes.
“We are focussing on doing a unique show, not the usual interviews that have been done repeatedly on many shows. I will be heading out of studio to meet the artists. You know, most stations have snubbed artist videos especially terming them as too ‘hardcore’ hiphop. We will be giving a platform where hip hop artistes can showcase their talent, ’cause trust me there is a lot of hidden talent out there.”
The show has been inspired by young aspiring artistes who want to venture in hiphop.
“I get a lot of music videos on my timeline, and people have pretty awesome stuff but they have been turned away from most stations. This will be an opportunity to show the world what they have done, what they are currently doing and also their future plans in terms of music.”
Labalaa, who hosted HipHop Halisi on NTV sometime back preferred to keep things on the low until everything is finalized and said that the new show’s crew was working on the pilot.
” I can not disclose the station as of yet but I can see we will be up and running by mid-February. We are shooting about three or four pilots before it can premier.”

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