That Moment When You Realize Your ‘iPone’ Will Be Switched OFF

September 26, 2012

Will You Have A Phone After Sunday..?

This Sunday (30th Sept), close to a million mobile phone in Kenya will be switched off. Recently, we gave you 10 simple tests to which your phone must pass, for it to qualify being in the genuine category. It is now emerging that there are more tests you must take for you to rest assured that your phone will be ON after Sunday. Yesterday, Kenyans on Twitter came up with a long list of guidelines, and below are some of the most interesting.

Kama simu yako ni techno na inacheza reggae Lazima itazimwa

Kama vibration ya simu iko louder kushinda ringtone yake Lazima Itazimwa

Ukipitana na Lorry ya China Wu Yi kisha simu yako inaonyesha ‘New hardware Detected’ hiyo Lazima Itazimwa

Nokia yako husema “Pamoja Mzito” badala ya “Connecting People” hiyo Lazima Itazimwa

Kama iko na feature ya ‘compose tone’ hakuna haja tukufiche lazima itazimwa

Ka fon yako ina mem slot 2 na sim 3 lazima itazimwa.

Kama simu yako lazima ulambe vidole ndio utumie touch Screen Lazima Itazimwa

Kama mem card ikijaa inakupea options ya kuDelete camera. Lazima Itazimwa

Kama simu Yako ikona Omera Mini badala ya Opera Mini Lazima Itazimwa

Kama ukiload credit ya 100 bob inadeduct 50 ya repair and maintenance lazima itazimwa

Kama simu yako inasave pictures kwa Missed Calls Lazima Itazimwa

Ukipita chini ya transformer inasemanga Battery Full Lazima Itazimwa

If it looks like an iPhone, feels like an iPhone, works like an iPhone but ni twin sim!!!, Hiyo Lazima Itazimwa

If the default bluetooth name is SJ47-%N2NX”lol!!! Itazimwa

Kama Unaishi Githurai na haijaibiwa, Lazima Itazimwa

Kama alarm yake ndio huamsha jogoo lazima itazimwa

Kama yako iko na NGWATI keyboard, lazima itazimwa

If your voice recording come out with Chinese accents Lazima Itazimwa

Kama angry birds zinafungiwa jioni, lazima itazimwa

By Kenyans on Twitter
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